

Vídeo & Audio-podcast weekly

Enjoy content about Objectivism, as well as its practical
application, both personally and as a society.

Vídeo & Audio-podcast semanal

I invite you to talk about the Impact of Objectivism in their
lives. You will also find content about daily Objectivism,
such as stories, extracts, reels, information, etc.

Groups exclusive to Ricardo’s Time

Enjoy exclusive content on Objectivism live
(we also collaborate with Ayn Rand Center UK).

Communication Workshops

Learn to communicate Objectivist ideas in order to become a more effective promoter of Objectivism. Be part of the transformation you want to see in the world, participating in the battle of ideas.


Talks and invitations

If you want Ricardo to be in your program or
give a talk, you can write to support@ricardostime.com

Essay competition.


International educational program ¨John Galt School¨ Peru 2022

International Educational Program on Objectivism arrived in Peru. It starts in March 2022. Apply and get more information.

Educational Program About Ayn Rand in Latin America

An online educational program on Ayn Rand’s fiction and nonfiction. You will study Ayn Rand’s two major works of fiction: “The Fountainhead” and “Atlas Shrugged”. In addition, there will be sessions on “Introduction to Objectivism” and “The Objectivist Virtues”. These sessions will include excerpts from the book Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, by Dr. Leonard Peikoff.


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