
RT Achievements 2021 and 2022

Ricardo’s Time started at the end of 2020 and 2021

Video-podcast & Podcast

  • 57 Videos on Youtube mainly about Ayn Rand, Objectivism, philosophy and freedom issues, includes interviews with leading intellectuals.
  • 9 podcasts on audio platforms primarily about Ayn Rand, Objectivism, philosophy and freedom issues.
  • Instagram Lives: 6 episodes with special guests discussing “How Ayn Rand Changed My Life” (5) and “Argumentation” (1.)
  • Radio show on Clubhouse App: 6 episodes about Ayn Rand essays and current events in Latin America.

Invitations & Collaborations

  • Invitations to shows ¨El arte de pensar¨ (1 time) ¨Sociedad abierta¨ (1 time) “Estudiantes por la libertad Perú” (2 times) “Fuera del Aula podcast” (1 time), “Podcast Libertario” (1 time), and “Aurora” (philosophy club- 1 time) where Ricardo spoke about Objectivism- Ayn Rand’s philosophy.
  • Ricardo’s Time collaborated with organizations to promote Objectivism, such as: The Objective Standard Institute, Ayn Rand Center Europe, Ayn Rand Center Latin America, Students for Liberty Peru, Foundation for the Advancement of Liberty, Ayn Rand Center UK, Sara Booktuber, Asociación para la Educación Económica de los Andes, Centro de Ilustración Republicana.

John Galt School Peru

  • Ricardo’s Time organized the first John Galt School educational program in Peru, and in Latin America. John Galt School is an online educational program created by Ayn Rand Center Europe.
  • Ricardo was a speaker at John Galt School Israel 2021 (online), the topic was “How to defend a free society” inspired by Ayn Rand’s ideas.

Forum & Blog


  • Ricardo was present at a conference about liberty known as “LiberCON 2021” Latin America (online), there were presentations about Objectivism.

Communication Workshops

  • Ricardo gave 2 workshops on “How to communicate effectively”. One was directed to the general public and the other to members of the Ayn Rand Center UK.

Ayn Rand Books

  • 46 books  were distributed- mainly “Anthem” and “The Fountainhead.”


Video podcast & Podcast

  • 50 videos on Youtube mainly about Ayn Rand, Objectivism, philosophy and freedom issues, includes interviews with leading intellectuals.
  • 13 podcasts on audio platforms mainly about Ayn Rand, Objectivism, philosophy and freedom issues.

Invitations & Collaborations

  • Invitations to shows: ¨El arte de pensar¨ (1 time) where Ricardo spoke about Objectivism – the philosophy of Ayn Rand.
  • Ricardo was a speaker at the Ricardo Palma University, Lima Peru. Near 100 students attended. 
  • Ricardo’s Time collaborated with organizations to promote Objectivism, such as: The Objective Standard Institute, Ayn Rand Center Europe, Ayn Rand Center Latin America, Students for Liberty Peru, Foundation for the Advancement of Liberty, Ayn Rand Center UK, Sara Booktuber, Asociación para la Educación Económica de los Andes, Centro de Ilustración Republicana, Instituto Peruano de la Libertad, Liga de la Libertad and Fundación para la Responsabilidad Intelectual.
  • Ricardo was invited to a radio show in Tucumán, Argentina where he spoke about the political situation in Peru at the end of 2022.
  • Ricardo gave an in-person talk for the Bastiat Club where he spoke about Objectivism. 15 people attended.

Forum & Blog & Social Networks

Communication Workshops

  • Ricardo Ibáñez and Ricardo Gómez (world university debate champion) gave an argumentation workshop to 12 people.

Essay Competition

  • Essay Competition about Ayn Rand’s novel- Anthem was launched.


  • 3 new donors gained, making a total of 4 donors.


  • Ricardo attended 4 conferences about Objectivism in different countries, including the United States, Argentina and Peru.
  • Ricardo was a speaker at POSCON (The Peruvian Objectivist Student Conference), a conference about Ayn Rand’s ideas. Over 100 people attended.
  • Ricardo’s Time organized POSCON (The Peruvian Objectivist Student Conference) in Peru, a conference about Ayn Rand’s ideas. Ayn Rand books and tickets were sold out. 

Books by Ayn Rand

  • 40 books were distributed. – mainly “Atlas Shrugged.”


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About Me.

I am an intellectual entrepreneur who promotes the ideas of Ayn Rand. As anyone who needs guidance in life, I decided to let the world know about a great option: Ayn Rand’s philosophy- Objectivism.


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